Veriko Murvelashvili
Meet Veriko Murvelashvili, a participant in the project "Improved Child Protection System in Guria and Kakheti." Veriko joined the employment and professional planning service in January 2022. She is a 26-year-old woman living in Shalauri village with her husband, parents, and six children.
The Murvelashvili family has been engaged in various agricultural activities over the years. They had a bakery but struggled to expand their business, resulting in a meager income for their large family.
With the financial support of the project, the family received a new bakery, a dough kneading machine, a power regulator, various storage rooms, and necessary equipment. They successfully utilized the provided resources to increase their income.
Veriko notes, "We didn't believe that such miracles happen, that complete strangers can push you to start a new life, hold your hand, and lead you to real changes. Now there is a long way ahead, new plans, and I think good news is starting now."
The project is implemented with the financial support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Hermann Gmeiner German Foundation.